Having use of a car in NY is a rarity for many of us so we decided to take advantage of the opportunity. After Storm King we ventured to City Island in the Bronx. It's a quaint friendly sea side spot that felt a bit like Sausalito in the Bay but not nearly as nice. The cuteness stops once you leave the main road.
Ice cream stop
This little guy was so cute and fun to play with.
Afterward we dived into the depths of China via Flushing. Seriously, Main St is intense. Crazy crowded, street food a bit reminiscent of HK and hand pulled noodles straight from ghetto food booths. It's almost like I'm there... not quite.
Ja jeng mein, black bean sauce cold noodle. Here it's strangely called pork catchup noodle. A bit on the watery side. Ok but it ain't no San Tung. Oh how I miss that restaurant.
You gotta see the place in person.
Giving away our secrets... well, Jason's. Either way you still gotta know what to get!
Adventures with a Car
whoa something is up with my feeder on blogger because i did not get these posts.
hmm... i think it has something to do with switching over to feedburner a while back. it's ridiculous though since it's also a google owned service so it should't have affected blogger followers. i'll look into it. thanks!
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